From the data statistic found were 1,275,152 cases, 69,503 died and was recovered 265,892, the world data showed position more in possessed by the state superpower United States of America, data taken from www.worldometer.info per 6th April 2020. That means there are still many cases that have not been resolved. For that many, the state taking all measures to the spread of the virus did not broader of course with the risk of the loss of all aspects that have to receive. Even in some countries do lockdown stopped all activities including china, who successfully significantly decrease. In our country, Indonesia has not been doing the strategy, but prevention the plague in do in all fields such as schools that in not active including office, not all of the business in laid off some in some working in a house for able to stay and productive.
Staff or workers who are required to of course have the risk of infected or contaminated, from there the government issued several policies and the suggestion of them to work in the house or more commonly known in social media #stayathome and who’s keep doing an activity to wearing a mask. And CIBIS Park as a region office that is wide-area in south Jakarta area with a population of 4000 more or less, conducted several activities to help prevention with such epidemics. This has been done even though there are multiple the office already legally do all activities at home. Here is CIBIS Park do as the commercial environment in south Jakarta?
Routine Spraying Disinfectant

Cooperation with Hoffman as a vendor who handles public area, spraying routine in a public, the doorknob, the toilet, including the elevator guests. In doing in the morning before office hour, staff or employees coming in.
For staff or employees who are working to fill the form and we proposed a few questions, this is useful in order to more quickly and if anything happens
Check Body Temperature
Is a must to check body temperature, to all staff or employees already registered and use sanitizer that we’ll provide at the lobby near lift guest
Social Distancing
Give the utmost limit the elevator facilities and staff or employees follow sign direction to not face to face, as much as possible in creating the prevention with such epidemics
TV Announcement
We are providing some tv an announcement to provide information about prevention and handling of the plague so that the knowledge of the initial action reduction can directly be handled
Covid-19 serious outbreak that we have to struggle to face it, with the very fast spread of the amount victims, accordance government suggestion as possible to work at home, start of the personal hygiene we always take care of plus more equipment masks who have been required to. We hope this epidemic could quickly be handled so that people can do an activity and production again as it once was